Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ANSIVIE.ZIP | Yes | 11624 | 1/30/1991 | ANSIView provides you with the features from the CRT unit with the earlier versions of Turbo Pascal while still retaining the features of the new TVision environment. (Marcos R. Della) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
BASEAPP.ZIP | Yes | 6886 | 9/15/1991 | Base Application 1.0 is a set of TV routines: hi-res video mode toggle, proper window count handling, working help contexts for menubar and statusline, provision for app-specific initialization code, tileable/cascadable windows and more. (John C. Leon) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
BOX.ZIP | Yes | 75342 | 10/16/1993 | BOX is a screen designer for Pascal programmers. (Nescatunga Software) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
CLPBRD.ZIP | Yes | 14408 | 10/3/1994 | Unit ClipBrd 1.0 is a Windows-style clipboard function for Turbo Pascal. (Matthias Koeppe) (Reg.Fee: $5marks) |
CMOUSE11.ZIP | Yes | 71814 | 8/3/1994 | Cool Mouse Cursor 1.1 is a graphical, true arrow cursor which can be added to any Turbo Vision 2.0 or Turbo Pascal 7.0 application. (Ed Jordan) (Reg.Fee: $13) |
CRTP_DG.ZIP | Yes | 5791 | 4/11/1991 | CrtPlus (MS) 1.0 is a set of assembler routines to detect the video adapter type, to create an 80x43 or 80x50 video mode (for EGA/VGA), to disable/enable text blinking, and to fill, change color of, and copy a block of video. (Modern Solutions Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $28) |
CRTPLUS.ZIP | Yes | 17426 | 1/14/1990 | CrtPlus 1-14-90 is a demonstration of window objects. (John W. Small) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
CRTSEG.ZIP | Yes | 2051 | 7/23/1992 | CRTSeg allows the video segment address in a CRT unit to be changed. (Tom Donnelly) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CURDLE.ZIP | Yes | 7153 | 6/22/1989 | Curdle will take care of watching the screen boundaries when your Turbo Pascal program lets a user move about the screen directly as might be done in a screen painting routine or even some data entry programs. (John M. Majkrzak) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
DGSAY.ZIP | Yes | 73666 | 6/30/1989 | DGSay 8907.01 will write formatted, justified and colored text to screen by replacing Write and WriteLN with Say and SayLN. (David Gerrold) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
DLGDRW.ZIP | Yes | 2722 | 8/12/1992 | Dlgdrw shows how to change text and text color, and send messages in a dialog box. (Borland International) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FASTSCR.ZIP | Yes | 12391 | 6/29/1989 | FastScr 1.0 provides simple and fast video control through the use of objects. (Mark Addleman) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
KPASCAL.ZIP | Yes | 15006 | 12/6/1989 | KPascal is a video output unit to replace Write & WriteLn with some string formating and conversion functions. (Contemporary Computer Services) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
LVI.ZIP | Yes | 7339 | 11/15/1993 | LVI Programming Toolkit is a Pascal library for using LVI (Last Video Interface) emulation. (Tobin Fricke) (Reg.Fee: $1) |
MAKE_IO.ZIP | Yes | 23112 | 6/4/1990 | Make-IO2 lets you create I/O screens with a text editor, then it converts them to TP source code. (Richard N. Alger) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
NOBLINK.ZIP | Yes | 3666 | 10/27/1993 | NoBlink 1.0 is source for a Pascal program which disables blinking forground colors and replaces them with high-intensity background colors. (Tobin Fricke) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PAS1.ART | No | 9714 | 10/19/1991 | PAS1 is heavily documented code for an ANSI screen drawing program. (Ben Shoval) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PTGENR1.ZIP | Yes | 92064 | 8/24/1994 | PtGen - Real Mode 1.31a is a TurboVision 2.0 screen generator. (Berend de Boer) (Reg.Fee: $41) |
PTGENR2.ZIP | Yes | 235204 | 8/24/1994 | See PTGENR1.ZIP |
PTGENX.ZIP | Yes | 246841 | 8/24/1994 | PtGen - Protected Mode 1.31A is a TurboVision 2.0 screen generator. (Berend de Boer) (Reg.Fee: $41) |
QWIK71A.ZIP | Yes | 90846 | 10/12/1993 | Qwik 7.1a is a high performance screen writing utility for TP4 programmers. (Eagle Performance Software) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
SCNDSIGN.ZIP | Yes | 45099 | 10/13/1993 | Scndsign allows programmers to design screens and then generates the code in Turbo Pascal to be added to your programs. (Iddo L. Enochs) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
SCRGEN.ZIP | Yes | 36742 | 10/16/1993 | ScrGen is a screen editor that generates Turbo Pascal source code for screen displays to be added to your programs. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SIMPLWIN.ZIP | Yes | 7353 | 3/28/1994 | SimplWin is a simple text mode windowing support unit. (Schoeneck K. Howell) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SVGABG.ZIP | Yes | 115712 | 10/6/1993 | SuperVGA/Tweak BGI Drivers 1.0 is a set of SVGA drivers which support a wide range of VGA cards and should work on all major brands. (Jordan Hargrave) (Reg.Fee: $30-100) |
TEGL_TP.ZIP | Yes | 333601 | 10/17/1993 | TEGL Windows Toolkit II for TP 5.5 is a set of GUI routines for TP 5.5. (TEGL Systems Corporation) (Reg.Fee: $50) |
TEXTIO.ZIP | Yes | 4678 | 1/29/1989 | TextIO is a TP5 unit that allows for the following: large text buffers for speedier handling when needed, complete seek function for text files, write formatted output to a string variable, read contents of a string variable as formatted input. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TOP.ZIP | Yes | 92466 | 10/16/1993 | Turbo Overdrive Package is a collection of over 40 procedures and functions. (Nescatunga Software) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
TP4WIO.ZIP | Yes | 37629 | 6/22/1989 | TP4WIO is a collection of procedures and functions which assist in screen input/output. (Gerald Rohr) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TP5WIO.ZIP | Yes | 29569 | 7/29/1989 | TP5WIO is a collection of procedures and functions which assist in screen input/output. (Gerald Rohr) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
TSCRIPT.ZIP | Yes | 29907 | 10/16/1993 | Turbo Script allows direct video memory accessing for lightening speed screen operations. (Kevin Menningen) (Reg.Fee: $?) |
TWINS.ZIP | Yes | 27529 | 4/29/2023 | Twins 1.10 is a toolbox that allows you to create and manipulate multiple windows on visible and virtual screens using the object-oriented techniques available in Turbo Pascal 5.5. (Brian Corll) (Reg.Fee: $15-$25) |
USERLIB.ZIP | Yes | 7058 | 11/29/1989 | UserLib is a Turbo Pascal 5.5 unit containing several useful functions for screen I/O, menus, etc. (Reg.Fee: $0) |
VMODE.ZIP | Yes | 11463 | 1/25/1995 | Vmode 1.0.0 includes routines and a unit to change the video line count at the DOS prompt for EGA/VGA. (Bruce J. Lackore) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WINDEX.ZIP | Yes | 5315 | 3/5/1989 | Windex contains windowing code for TP5. (John Roncalio) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
WNDW70.ZIP | Yes | 133122 | 10/7/1993 | WNDW 7.0c is a set of high performance window utilities for Turbo Pascal 5.0 which give you full window control and management in all text modes. (Eagle Performance Software) (Reg.Fee: $25) |